Future of Deals

Sponsored by beatBread

Frobisher Rooms 1 & 2, 10:55 to 11:40

As the music industry evolves, so do the sources and structures for funding music.  The Future of Deals will explore new funding models available for independent music businesses and projects. Joined by industry leaders from rightsholder, distribution and management businesses, the conversation will deep dive into innovations in funding to provide all contracting stakeholders with mutually beneficial outcomes, ways to enable positive pipeline development for new talent, and revived opportunities for financing catalogues.


Andy Musgrave, Founder & CEO - Supernature

Frances Pollitzer, Head of Legal & Business Affairs - Domino Recording and Publishing Companies

Liz Northeast, Senior Vice President, EMEA - FUGA (A Downtown Company)

Mark Ommanney-Terry, Head of Europe & Africa - beatBread

Murray Stassen, Editor - Music Business Worldwide (MBW)